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Competence Certification 

The Project Manager title  is a generic term for a highly diverse profession. In other words, not all project managers are alike!


Project managers differ according to experience and to the organisational level at which they are active. The same also applies to the complexity and number of projects under their purview.


IPMA® PM 4-L-C certification recognises this and makes this distinction transparent.


There are four IPMA certification levels, ranging from project management associates to experienced professionals who manage a portfolio or serve as programme managers,


IPMA Level A 


IPMA Level B


IPMA Level C


IPMA Level D


The level differentiation makes it clear what project management technical, behavioral and context competences are required.

Transparency of demonstrated competences is essential for the professionalism of both the organisation and individual employees.

Moreover, organisations and clients alike benefit from the clarity of knowing objectively the project managers’ expertise and skills.


In addition, IPMA® certification offers project managers an informative awareness and reflection process, which can result in further insight and professionalism. Qualifications offer mostly a knowledge component in one level.



IPMA® Certification means assessment by two independent, competent and fair assessors, based on the real management evidence of the candidates. This puts the value of the certification assessment on an adequate quality level for a competence certificate. Certification is a competence (knowledge and experience) based assessment.



IPMA Level A - Certified Projects Director

IPMA level A certification is the highest internationally recognised level as project, programme and/or portfolio professional. You have shown to possess the competences as described in the IPMA International Competence Baseline®, and have shown to consistently, over a minimum number of years,


Apply those competences in a highly complex environment, taking full responsibility in a leading role. You are a professional amongst professionals, recognised by your peers and your customers. You truly deserve your position: project director, programme director or portfolio director.

IPMA Level B - Certified Senior Project Manager

Achieving certification at IPMA level B is an international recognition of your senior level in projects, programmes and portfolios. You have shown to possess the competences as described by the IPMA International Competence Baseline®, and have shown to


consistently, over many years, apply those, taking responsibility in a leading role. You are a true professional, recognised by your peers and your customers. You truly deserve your position: senior project manager, senior programme manager, senior portfolio manager.

IPMA Level C - Certified Project Manager

An IPMA level C Certification is an international recognition of your experience level in managing projects. You have shown to possess the competences as described by the IPMA International Competence Baseline®,


and have shown to consistently apply those, taking responsibility in a leading role. You are a professional. Your clients rely on you to manage their projects in a predictable, professional way.

IPMA Level D - Certified Projects Director

Achieving IPMA level D certification is international recognition of your knowledge about managing projects. You have shown to know the competences as described by the IPMA International Competence Baseline®, and have shown to know how to apply them.

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